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On 26 April 2024 (Fri), the Andrew CHIU Memorial New Testament Theological Conference co-organised by The Pastoral Conference of the Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod (LCHKS) and Concordia Theological Seminary (CTS) took place and attracted more than 60 participants.

Rev. Dr. Sin Pan HO (Dean of Advanced Studies and New Testament Professor of Lutheran Theological Seminary) lectured on the "Rhetorical Interpretation of the New Testament from the Perspective of Social Lives of the First Audience", while Rev. Dr. Ivan F. C. YIM (CTS Core Faculty Professor Heading Practical Theology) delivered a response.

This annual event commemorates the legacy of late Rev. Dr. Andrew CHIU, a former President of both LCHKS and CTS. Two of his children, Ms. Mary F. H. CHIU and Rev. Dr. Timothy CHIU, officiated at the conference.

Moreover, 21 students from Myanmar, who are currently studying in Hong Kong at LTS and at the Divinity School of the Chung Chi College, attended a special dinner preceding the conference and the conference itself. Each of them received a valuable theological book in English.

This was possible thanks to generous support from Dr. Evangeline RIMBACH who administers the scholarship fund established by her late brother, Rev. Dr. James RIMBACH. For many years, Dr. RIMBACH served as an educator and missionary in Hong Kong, teaching at CTS and at LTS, and caring for students from other parts of Asia, especially, from Myanmar.


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