On 23 September 2022 (Fri), The James RIMBACH Memorial Theological Conference [林雅各紀念神學講座] titled "Lectionary Preaching in the Service of the Church" [教會崇拜中的經課講道] was launched by The Pastoral Conference of the Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod (LCHKS) [香港路德會牧師會] and Concordia Theological Seminary (CTS) [香港路德會協同神學院] and attended by more than 60 people in person.
Rev. Dr. Andrew NG Wai-Man [伍渭文博士牧師], Former Chaplain of Chung Chi College (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) and Adjunct Associate Professor at the Divinity School of Chung Chi College, delivered a lecture on "Lectionary Preaching in the Service of the Church" [教會崇拜中的經課講道], whereas Rev. Sam L. S. YEUNG [楊力生牧師], Director of the LCHKS Literature Department and CTS Core Faculty, offered a response. Both speakers used Cantonese, while Rev. Gene FUNG [馮達揚牧師], CTS Vice President, provided an English translation for non-Chinese speaking participants.
At the end of the conference, 11 students from Myanmar, who are reading theology at LTS, received gifts (professional theological books) from CTS. The Myanmar guests were accompanied by Ms. Hellen BOK [卜海崙老師], Assistant Coordinator of Mekong Ministry at LTS.
Shortly before the conference, the students from Myanmar, Ms. BOK, Rev. FUNG as well as some CTS professors, students and staff members enjoyed a special dinner arranged by CTS in a nearby Chinese restaurant so that brothers and sisters could make the acquaintance of one another and could be engaged in Christian conversation.
This year, the conference was followed up with a special "Lectionary Preaching Workshop" [經課講道工作坊] on 24 September 2022 (Sat) under the direction of Dr. NG (Lead Instructor) and Rev. FUNG (Co-Instructor). The workshop was attended by more than 10 people in person. Both events took place in the chapel of Concordia Lutheran School (Kowloon).
The dinner and the conference combined with the workshop were aimed at commemorating the legacy of late Rev. Dr. James RIMBACH who served for many years as an eminent educator and missionary in Hong Kong, teaching at CTS and at LTS, and caring for students from other parts of Asia, especially, from Myanmar. Dr. RIMBACH's legacy is right now carried on by his sister, Dr. Evangeline RIMBACH, who is in charge of the scholarship named after Dr. RIMBACH.