Symposium and Conference
On 27 September (Fri) 2019, The James RIMBACH Memorial Theological Conference [林雅各紀念神學講座] titled "A Contemporary Chinese Perspective on Luther's Views on the Political and Social Engagement of Christians" [從當下華人視野看路德的基督徒政治與社會參與觀] was launched by The Pastoral Conference of the Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod (LCHKS) [香港路德會牧師會], Concordia Theological Seminary (CTS) [香港路德會協同神學院], The Literature Department [路德會文字部] and The Committee on the Chinese Edition of Luther's Works [路德文集(中文版)委員會]. The event was attended by almost 100 people.
Rev. Dr. Peter LI Kwong-Sang [李廣生博士牧師], Professor Emeritus at Lutheran Theological Seminary (LTS) in Hong Kong [信義宗神學院榮休教授], delivered a lecture "Martin Luther on Christians Living on Earth: A Chinese Lutheran Perspective" [馬丁路德論基督徒活在世上:一個華人信義宗的觀點], whereas Rev. Dr. Andrew NG Wai-Man [伍渭文博士牧師], Former Chaplain of Chung Chi College (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) [前香港中文大學崇基學院校牧] and Adjunct Associate Professor at the Divinity School of Chung Chi College [現任崇基學院神學院兼任副教授], offered a response. Both speakers used Cantonese, while Rev. Gene FUNG [馮達揚牧師], CTS Vice-President [香港路德會協同神學院副院長], provided an English translation for non-Chinese speaking participants.
Rev. Dr. Allan YUNG [戎子由博士牧師], LCHKS President [香港路德會會長], opened the conference and delivered an address in which he stressed the importance of the Chinese Edition of Luther's Works (CELW) to Chinese-speaking Protestant Christians in Greater China and beyond. Later, Dr. YUNG awarded Synodical scholarships to five persons who were either CTS students / graduates or LCHKS ministers pursuing advanced theological degrees at LTS.
The final benediction was said by Rev. Paul Y. S. CHAN [陳煜新牧師], Chairman of the Seminary Board of Control [神學院董事會主席], who presented gifts to the lecturer and to the respondent. Afterwards, twelve students from Myanmar, who are reading theology at LTS, received gifts from CTS. The Myanmar guests were accompanied by Mr. Alexander MAK who takes care of international students at LTS.
Shortly before the conference, the students from Myanmar, Mr. MAK, Rev. FUNG as well as some CTS professors and staff members enjoyed a special dinner arranged by CTS in a nearby Chinese restaurant so that brothers and sisters could make the acquaintance of one another and could be engaged in Christian conversation.
The dinner and the conference combined with the symposium were aimed at commemorating the legacy of late Rev. Dr. James RIMBACH who served for many years as an eminent educator and missionary in Hong Kong, teaching at CTS and at LTS, and caring for students from other parts of Asia, especially, from Myanmar. Dr. RIMBACH's legacy is right now carried on by his sister, Dr. Evangeline RIMBACH, who is in charge of the scholarship named after Dr. RIMBACH.
This year, the conference was preceded by the symposium in which Rev. Dr. Stephen IP [葉泰昌博士牧師], CTS President [香港路德會協同神學院院長], presented volumes 1 to 5 of the CELW, while Rev. Dr. Richard CARTER [康德仁博士牧師], CTS Professor [香港路德會協同神學院教授], moderated discussion on social and political issues raised in Luther's writings which are contained in volumes 3 and 5 of the CELW.