On 28 September (Fri) 2018 The Rimbach Memorial Old Testament Theological Conference titled "Luther's Concept of the Church and Its Relationship to the Old Testament" was launched by the Pastoral Conference of the Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod (LCHKS) and Concordia Theological Seminary (CTS).
Rev. Dr. Peter LI Kwong-Sang, Professor at Lutheran Theological Seminary (LTS), delivered a lecture, and Rev. Dr. Richard CARTER, Professor at Concordia Theological Seminary, offered a response. Dr. LI lectured in Chinese, while Rev. Gene FUNG, CTS Vice-President, interpreted his lecture for non-Chinese speaking participants. Dr. CARTER responded in English, while Rev. Sam YEUNG, Director of the LCHKS Literature Department, translated his response into Chinese.
The conference was opened by Rev. Dr. Allan YUNG, LCHKS President, who delivered an address in which he stressed the importance of the church as the community of faith which is called to be a part of a wider community and to contribute to it. Later, Dr. YUNG awarded Synodical scholarships to six persons who were either CTS students / graduates or LCHKS ministers pursuing advanced theological degrees at LTS. The final benediction was said by Rev. Paul Y. S. CHAN, Chairman of the Seminary Board of Control.
At the end of the conference, Rev. Daniel Y. S. LI, LCHKS First Vice-President and Chairman of the Pastoral Conference, presented gifts to the lecturer and to the respondent as well as to nine students from Myanmar. These students are reading theology at LTS and at the Divinity School of Chung Chi College (The Chinese University of Hong Kong). They were accompanied by Mr. Alexander MAK who is taking care of international students at LTS.
Shortly before the conference, the students from Myanmar, Mr. MAK, Rev. FUNG, CTS professors, students and staff enjoyed a special dinner arranged by CTS in a nearby Chinese restaurant so that brothers and sisters could make the acquaintance of one another and be engaged in Christian conversation.
The dinner and the conference were aimed at commemorating the legacy of late Rev. Dr. James RIMBACH who served for many years as an eminent educator and missionary in Hong Kong, teaching at CTS and at LTS, and caring for students from other parts of Asia, especially, from Myanmar. Dr. RIMBACH's legacy is right now carried on by his sister, Dr. Evangeline RIMBACH, who is in charge of the scholarship named after Dr. RIMBACH. Last year, that is, in 2017, the LORD called Ms. Caroline RIMBACH, another sister of late Dr. RIMBACH, home, after many years of her fruitful service here.