LTS Graduation Ceremony
On 3 June (Sun) 2018 Rev. Dr. Richard CARTER, CTS Professor, accompanied by Rev. Simon KWAN, CTS Director of Fieldwork, represented Concordia Theological Seminary (CTS) at the 41st Graduation Ceremony of Lutheran Theological Seminary (LTS). The sermon was delivered by Rev. Dr. Simon CHOW, LTS President, who spoke about the prophet Jonah as an example for seminary graduates as they head into ministry.
Assisting in the awarding of degrees were Rev. Dr. Pilgrim LO, LTS Dean, and Rev. Dr. Daniel HO, LTS Associate Dean. Theological Education by Extension awards included the Diploma in Theology for Lay Leadership and the Master of Christian Studies. Day School degrees included a variety of Master of Arts degrees, the Master of Divinity and the Master of Theology, besides doctoral degrees (Th. D. and D. Min.).
Mr. CHOY Fai Yeung (Andy), a member of Abiding Grace Lutheran Church (Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod), received the Master of Christian Studies degree and spoke Words of Thanks on behalf of TEE graduates. Mr. CHOY will continue his theological studies at CTS, joining the M. Div. programme.