On 26 April 2019 (Fri), the Pastoral Conference of the Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod (LCHKS) and Concordia Theological Seminary (CTS) jointly organised The Andrew CHIU Memorial New Testament Theological Conference [丘恩處紀念新約神學講座].
The lecture titled "Justification by Faith in Romans and Galatians" [從羅馬書及加拉太書看因信稱義] was delivered by Rev. Dr. Ivan F. C. YIM [嚴鳳翔博士牧師], CTS Professor, while Rev. Gene T. Y. FUNG [馮達揚牧師], CTS Vice-President, served as a respondent. Both Dr. YIM and Rev. FUNG used Cantonese and provided extensive English summaries of their speeches.
The conference was opened by Rev. Dr. Allan YUNG [戎子由博士牧師], LCHKS President. Rev. LUK Chin Wan [陸展宏牧師] prayed on behalf of the assembly and Principal John C. C. CHAN [陳柱中校長] read biblical passages (Romans 3:21-26; Galatians 3:23-25) for the audience. The conference hymn (Freely, Freely [白白得來]) was led by Rev. LAM Ka Kin [林家健牧師], a member of the Seminary Board of Control, whereas Rev. FUNG Kam Kei [馮錦麒牧師] played the piano.
Rev. Dr. Stephen T. C. IP [葉泰昌博士牧師], CTS President, introduced the lecturer and the respondent, while Rev. Sam L. S. YEUNG [楊力生牧師], CTS Professor, moderated the discussion. Furthermore, Rev. Dr. Richard CARTER [康德仁博士牧師], CTS Professor, was in charge of appreciation and announcements section.
At the conference, Dr. YUNG awarded special scholarships to four students for their outstanding academic performance. These scholarships came from a donation which was made by the family of late Dr. Andrew CHIU to CTS in 2016.
Afterwards, Rev. Paul Y. S. CHAN [陳煜新牧師], Chairman of the Seminary Board of Control, said the final benediction and introduced the "Elisha Scheme" [以利沙計劃] which is a new LCHKS full-time CTS seminarian sponsorship scheme. The event was well-attended and attracted more than 80 people.