On 20 April (Fri) 2018 the Pastoral Conference of the Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod (LCHKS) and Concordia Theological Seminary (CTS) launched THE ANDREW CHIU MEMORIAL NEW TESTAMENT THEOLOGICAL CONFERENCE.
The lecture titled "The Contemplation of Heaven in Lutheran Worship" was delivered by Rev. Dr. Edward NAUMANN [M. A. (University of Edinburgh), M. Div. (Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne), M. A. & Ph. D. (The Catholic University of America)] who is serving with the LCMS OIM as theological educator in Sri Lanka. Dr. NAUMANN lectured in English, while Dr. KEE Chi Wai, CTS Professor, prepared a written translation of his lecture and acted as an interpreter at the event.
Rev. Dr. Andrew Wai-Man NG [M. Div. (CGST, Hong Kong), M. Th. (Covenant Theological Seminary, US), Ph. D. (Concordia Seminary, St. Louis)], who is former Chaplain of Chung Chi College (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) and Adjunct Associate Professor at the Divinity School of Chung Chi College, responded to Dr. NAUMANN's lecture. Dr. NG's response was delivered both in Chinese (Cantonese) and in English.
The conference was opened by Rev. Paul Y. S. CHAN, Chairman of the Seminary Board of Control, who also said the final benediction. At the end, Rev. Dr. Stephen IP, CTS President, awarded special scholarships to four students (Ms. Winter CHOI, Ms. CHEN Siu Lan, Ms. CHEUNG Hee and Mr. LEE Bing Shum) for their outstanding academic performance. These scholarships came from a donation which was made by the family of late Dr. Andrew CHIU to CTS in 2016.