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- Student Union 學生會
Administrative Officers 行政架構
President: Rev. Dr. Stephen T. C. IP
院長: 葉泰昌博士牧師
B. Th. (Lutheran Theological Seminary, Hong Kong), M. Div. (Concordia Theological Seminary, Hong Kong), M. Th. & Th. D. (South East Asia Graduate School of Theology).
Vice President and Seminary Chaplain: Rev. Gene T. Y. FUNG
副院長兼院牧: 馮達揚牧師
B. A. & M. Phil. (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), M. Div. (The Divinity School of Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Ph. D. Candidate (Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, USA).
Dean of Studies: Dr. Matthew OSEKA
教務長: 岳誠軒博士
M. Th. & Th. D. (Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw, EU).
Director of Teacher Training Institute: Rev. Gene T. Y. FUNG
師範部主任: 馮達揚牧師
B. A. & M. Phil. (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), M. Div. (The Divinity School of Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Ph. D. Candidate (Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, USA).
Director of Fieldwork Education: Rev. Simon Y. L. KWAN
實習教育主任: 關應亮牧師
B. Sc. [Hons] (Chinese University of Hong Kong), B. Th. (Concordia Theological Seminary, Hong Kong), M. Ed. (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Master of Arts in Religion (Asia Lutheran Seminary), M. Div. (Concordia Theological Seminary, Hong Kong), D. Min. Candidate (Lutheran Theological Seminary).
Director of Leadership Empowerment Department: Rev. K. T. CHEUNG
信徒領袖課程主任: 張錦棠牧師
M. Div. (Concordia Theological Seminary, Hong Kong), M. Th. (The Divinity School of Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong). M. A. (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology).香港協同神學院道學碩士、香港中文大學崇基學院神學碩士、香港科技大學文學碩士。Dean of Administration: Ms. Pinky CHAN
行政主任: 陳慧萍女士
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